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Empowering Regional Innovation 55 tech companies through RAMP since 2017

Supporting Emerging Tech Over 3.2K regional patents filed since 2014

Creating Innovation Culture Over $25M invested in labs and programs

Generating Tech Investment $54.9M in state, federal grants and appropriation

Who We Are

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance (RBIA) is a catalyst for growing the Roanoke Blacksburg innovation economy, technology and life sciences sectors, and professional communities.

Established in 2013, RBIA is the region’s front door for innovators, founders, and funders to connect a growing roster of companies – both startups and established – with resources to grow and thrive.

Our Mission

  • Aggressively mentoring breakaway companies through the Regional Accelerator and Mentoring Program (RAMP) – providing facilities, connections, training, ancillary business expansion support, and similar growth-focused resourcing, no matter where you find yourself in the startup pipeline.
  • Proactively securing grant funding to support regional innovators, entrepreneurs, and infrastructure investment.
  • Supporting new startups, existing businesses, high-growth opportunities, and the technical talent they all need to reach their full potential. Supporting emerging technologies related to blockchain, autonomous systems, cybersecurity, health, and life science industries.
Group of people networking

Get Involved

RBIA brings together the best ideas and opportunities from government, academia, and the private sector to drive regional advancement and support a flourishing innovation economy. Get in touch and learn more about membership, events, how to get involved, and how you can be part of growing the Roanoke Blacksburg tech-based economy.

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